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  • Writer's pictureph4nt0m

Some Hardware Updates

Hello Reader,

I apologize for not being around. My parents had to go down to florida to assist my grandparents and retrieve a new truck. In that time though, I got a new GPU! I actually wanted to chat a bit about it.

At the moment, my main machine is a Lenovo TS140 with a Xeon 1225v3, 16GB DDR3 ram, an SSD, and 2 drives. My old GPU, an AMD R7370 wasn't really cutting it for what I wanted to do. I do streams rather regularly and it couldn't push enough to keep above 60FPS in games. So, I saved up cash the last few months and with my parents away I had to cover my mom's work (she manages a farm for someone) and I would get her pay. Well.... I got her pay for two weeks, but with that first week of pay I got a Gigabyte RX580 8G and boy howdy does it provide. Its enough of an upgrade that my CPU is the bottleneck now, which I find rather funny.

I don't think it will help with animations any, but what it will help with is rendering out video when I start dhoing draw streams. I want to upload to my gaming channel and link videos here of streams I do that are just my drawing practice. Sadly, I haven't had time as of late to really practice at all with all the farm managing and even now it will be rather tight I think, but I am hoping that I'll get free soon.

I also plan to do a platform upgrade to rid myself of that awful bottleneck. Heres what I plan to get if you are interested.

In any case, I'll try to post more often. Its been a rough bit of time for me recently so hopefully everything works out good enough

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