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A Tool I Want To Talk About: PTXConf

In the last few months I have been attacking learning how to use my tablet. In playing with it on my mac, I noticed immediately something that I was going to need to figure out for my linux desktop: the tablet is bound to one monitor that in whatever art program I use it changes main monitors with where I moved krita. Hmmmm, well how would I do that in linux?

See the main problem with this is that in, linux at least, the tablet is supported yes, but its bound to ALL monitors at the same time. This isn't a great thing for me, though may not matter for someone else, because I have 3+ monitors hooked up to my machine at any one time (required for what I do daily, not just cause it looks cool). So after a bit of time googling I found the tool labeled in the title, PTXConf!

PTXConf is a small suite of X.Org layers and interface scripts coded in python. Theres a way to install it as an app, but I can't figure out how so I just run it out of the folder I downloaded in a terminal (be sure not to close that terminal!!!). Upon running the app, out of terminal or compiling and installing, you are presented with a window that lists the configuration of your monitor setup in whatever display program you have for your DE, whether it be custom or an implementation of ARandR. Simply select the monitor you want the stylus bound to and hit accept! The app can also start minimized in your notifications bar (I have no idea what it will do in tiling window managers) so be aware of that if it doesn't pop up immediately. PTX doesn't present any immediate problems for me, at least with Krita, with the only major hookup being that it takes a little bit of lag time to change from mouse to pen. But I have no idea if that has anything to do with PTX or not...

For you:

Anything not understood here about how the tool works you can /probably/ find on the site listed above. If YOU have a multi-monitor setup and have a different way of binding your tablet to one monitor, let me know!!

Thanks for reading!

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